Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh the things you will find in a backpack of mine... an addendum

In my drama 352 class today, we played a game in which everyone put an item from their backpack in the center of the room. Then we each grabbed a different item from the pile and made up a story about it.

I put in my tuning fork. A few people thought that was really cool. Why do I have a tuning fork in my backpack they asked...

Someone also put in a tampon. FYI, there are 2 boys in my class. Someone made up a story about using a tampon to stop a nosebleed. People were pretty impressed with that idea. Been there, done that. Well, not that usage of a tampon, but I've had many discussions of that usage.

Someone else had a Spiderman figurine... Go figure. We are el eders.

People came up with some fun stories. Someone used headphones as a defibrillator. Someone else claimed a nighttime occupation as a Ninja in order to explain the possession of To-Go Advil.

Theater... fun stuff.

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